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User Experiences and Benefits to Organizations

in Making Audio and Video Media Accessible

Understand the User Needs and Experiences of People with Disabilities

It’s useful to first understand the user experiences of people with disabilities. Then you’ll know the “why” behind the media accessibility requirements in this resource. For example, a person who is Deaf can’t hear the audio, so you need to provide important audio information in another form.

If you want to learn more, see these other resources:

Used by People With and Without Disabilities

Accessible media is essential for people with disabilities, and is useful for everyone. Accessibility features are also used by people without disabilities in a variety of situations.

For example, transcripts can be:

And captions can be used:

Benefits to Organizations

inclusive, diverse, responsible

Organizations that make their audio and video accessible can realize benefits such as:

Benefits to organizations are illustrated in these other resources:

This resource helps make your media usable by people with and without disabilities, and benefit your organization. The next page gets you started Planning Accessible Audio and Video Media.

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at