Strategies, standards, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities
February 10 2021
Developer Modules
Minor edits to improve readability:
Throughout: some instances of “or” changed to “and”. They could be interpreted as “one or the other” when we mean “both”.
February 9 2021
Foundation Modules
Minor edits to improve readability:
In module “Business Case”, topic “Business Case”, “Teaching Ideas for Topic” first bullet: “organizations who have adopted accessibility” changed to “organizations which have adopted accessibility”
In module “Business Case”, topic “Business Case”, “Teaching Ideas for Topic” last bullet: “why the case was brought” changed to “why the case was brought up”.
In module “Business Case”, topic “Business Case”, “Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Topic”: “originally design for” changed to “originally designed for”
In module “Business Case”, topic “Business Case”, “Ideas to Assess Knowledge for Topic” last bullet: Changed capitalization to quotes for “Functionality available from the keyboard”.
Developer Modules
Minor edits to improve readability:
In overview page: fixed links to foundation modules “What is Web Accessibility” and “Getting Started with Accessibility”.
In module “Menus”, topic “Labels”, “Teaching Ideas”, third bullet: changed “rely on them” to “rely on labels”
In module “Menus”, topic “Flyout Menus” “Learning Outcomes for Topic”, third bullet: removed “the” before keyboard. “write code for fly-out menus that support different input devices, including keyboard only and voice interaction”
In module “Tables”, “Learning Outcomes for Module”, third bullet: removed “that allows to” and changed “and” to “with”. “write markup for additional structures that associate table headers with data cells in complex and irregular tables”
In module “Tables”, topic “Simple Tables”, “Teaching Ideas”, first bullet: changed “which” to “that”. “Define simple tables as those that contain one row or column header. “
In module “Tables”, topic “Simple Tables”, “Teaching Ideas”, last bullet: changed “that” to “why”. “Explain why table layouts should be avoided”
In module “Forms”, topic “Form Instructions”, “Learning Outcomes for Topic”, third bullet: changed “in such a way” to “so” “… so that they are clearly presented to all users …”
In module “Rich Applications”, topic “Structure and Semantics”, “Learning Outcomes for Topic”, fourth bullet: changed “also” to “including”. “including when content is added, removed, hidden, and displayed”
In module “Rich Applications”, topic “Keyboard and Focus Interactions”, “Teaching Ideas”, last bullet: Changed “the contents” to “content” “Explain that content that is not part of the modal dialog …”