This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group


No announcements at the moment.

Current Work

The Working Group has established a road map for upcoming work. This road map is executed via publications and status, which include:

The ARIA Project Plan details intended timeline and milestones for this work and proceeds according to the ARIA Working Group Work Flow.

Task Forces

The ARIA WG uses task forces to focus work on specific projects. Current task forces include:

How to Comment, Contribute, and Participate

The ARIA Working Group engages with stakeholders in a variety of ways. See the following resources for information on:

Meetings and Communication

The ARIA WG conducts its work using a variety of synchronous and asynchronous tools. The communication page provides details about:

These tools are used by participants of the Working Group. For ways non-participants can contribute, see how to contribute to the Working Group and file comments.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes from previous meetings are available.

Administrative Information

Work of the ARIA WG is in accordance with the W3C Process. ARIA WG work is funded in part by the WAI Core 2015 Project. The work of this group does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the funders.

The chairs of the ARIA WG, responsible for overall leadership and management, are James Nurthen and Valerie Young. The staff contact, responsible for W3C Process and general support, is Daniel Montalvo.

The Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group maintains the following operational resources:

W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent.

Current participants in the ARIA WG.

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at